Friday, November 21, 2008

It's done

So After careful deliberation, I have decided, thought I thought I could support obama until

  • a national car
  • a national bank
  • a national church
  • the election of 3 democratic judges
  • or several other things (that might just happen)
Including but not limited to the fact that 50% of whites voted for him, and what 94% of blacks voted for him (and they say were racist, that factor is now over)
But a coin to commemorate him as being the 44th president, since when do we need a coin to say we support the president.
I'm done, therefore running options are cuba (why not), new zealand, and costa rica

also in other terms
FORD, CHEVY, and chrysler are wanting a bail out, I remember when some one said if we give one company a bail they will all ask for one?
why would major corporations act like small children, why?

Monday, November 10, 2008

a cause worth getting behind

As the idea of missions and what not come up, as it always does around this time of year. FCA just announced there mission trip, and several others are talking about other things. I have started doing research in something I think would be interesting, doing an engineering mission. Get on board with 1 laptop per child, the roundabout water pumping station (places a merry go round for the kids to play, and a school, the merry go round pumps water as the kids play, who says you can't harness the kids energy), placing cheap wind turbines in remote areas to harness the power, and the best to me or possibly one that I would love to get on (either in research, though I have no clue maybe in the dispersial or something), the color changing land mine detection. We always hear the US spends 200-300 million dollars to remove 10,000 mines while 24,000~ people die because of mines, it seems just stupid, yet if you plant a plant that will tell you where they are, it woundn't be hard to remove, you could just create special guns or what not, and also people could use fields. This comes about when it's said 90% of angola is not livable because no one know where the mines are located. So that's just my thought on the whole mission trip thing.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

10 days late

So I realize that 10 days after my 1st presidential election I didn't write what I thought of it. 1st off if you didn't realize my candidate didn't win. I think he held himself together, hate the idea of palin running for anything but the Governor of Alaska. and I've decided that I can't say anything about Obama until she untilized everything under his power, bails out every american industry that is in trouble and produces a "goverment" version of every one of those industries that he bailed out. Which after this happens I'm planning on moving to one of these few locations
1. Mexico (I get to help out there economy, but use my american skills)
2. Costa Rica (like mexico, just we already know where we can get 200 acres of beach front prop)
3.New Zealand (it's rated like the most stable economy and Lord of the rings was filmed there)

so out of those, I guess when I graduate I'll be down in New Zealand, (no knew language, and britain might still like us?)