Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tour of california

So were in stage 5 of the Tour of california, I wish I was there, but levi leinghberhine is the yellow jersey (basically the winner) of the stages so far. Lance has said that he wants levi to win. but I think that that the picture above describes the king of the mountains, it's semi cold and always a good ride! Also Lance's time trial bike was found in Sacromento so who knows!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

twitters from lance armstrong

Random thought: The Tour of California should be in late April. Better weather, can get into the sierras, final tour of italy tune up, etc.

Getting a massage post race. Listening to a little Jose Gonzales.

Another tough day at the ToC. Had a spill half way. Moto with a photog crashed in front of me and I t-boned them. Body's ok tho. - A pic of the stolen tt bike. There is only one like it in the world therefore hard to pawn it off. Reward bei

wow the life of lance during the tour of california, first you wreck because guys with cameras and scooters shouldn't be allowed to close to you. Then your time trial bike gets stolen, atleast Trek has promised that by friday they will have a brand bike of the same type and style.

Thanks for the rants

Also if every one wants to know were doing a ADA (american diabetes association) century on June 13, were pretty excited and hoping to raise 2000, ok so we have some motives to raise because we'd love to show our riding because we can get jersey's made for the event.

any other race or ride events that poeple wanna talk about give me a heads up.

Also to Rob Johnson I know it's early but I hope the training is going well for the triple bypass

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

it's been a while so here are some rants

For the Ibike portion of the blog, over the past two weeks it's been total of a 150 miles, with 40 of them in a single trip.

Cat bus drivers can see bikes, which means that there is full right to stop, try to kill me, and then drive on like nothing happened.

Do we really need clear every single tree 5 feet from the side of the road, especially if it blocks the noise of cars to a neighborhood, seems they'd want them there.

Also, it's tax season, Wes turned 21, and the duke basketball game is tonight, and tomorrow is the IPTAY national meeting