Tuesday, September 15, 2009

a little late

So Greenville hosted the national cycling championship and George Hincapie won the stars and strips jersey. With only one other team member Craig Lewis who just came back from the swine flu. What a great domestique, he really showed his level of expertise. It's kinda sad though, because this might be his last great race as he has switched to a national team but I mean he does have two children and why not. He is going to be signing with BMC, and Lance Armstrong is signing with radio shack along with the rest of Astana besides Contrador, which I feel like most people will be more than fine with. Hopefully radio-shack can take the lead and hold the group, and it's too bad that Hincapie didn't take Armstrongs offer but I'm sure that his new team, hincapie's will be able to take advantage of his skills, and I hope they do.

kinetic typography

I have been looking around and have decided on some of my favorite kinetic typographys

V for Vendetta

Derek Zoolander

Monday, September 7, 2009

I figure I should share