Monday, October 27, 2008

a time to count down

So as I go through the products of life, start at A, go till I reach B. I have to wonder why is the global warming issue so blind to people. So I started doing research on it.
84% of MIT graduate level student under guessed the amount of reduction that we need to have to reach acceptable green house gasses.

The description I've gotten about greenhouse gases is this ". To do that, we need to reduce global carbon emissions (which hit about 10 billion tons last year) until they are equal to or less than the amount of carbon sequestered by the oceans and plant life (which removed about 4.8 billion tons of carbon last year). It's just like water in a bathtub — unless more water is draining out than flowing in from the tap, eventually the bathtub will overflow." from time.

so lets change the whole "wait and see" idea that most Americans have to pursue stuff actively