Saturday, March 1, 2008


Everyone who has no car – dreams of buying it, while everyone who owns a car – dreams of selling it and does not do it as can’t go without it.

It seems this is so true, I know from experience that it was a dream to buy that perfect car, we have posters laid upon our walls when were children, I remember the first exotic sports car I saw and how I just wanted to touch it and was in marvel at how the cars were all bright yellows and reds. This seems to be our dream as children to own that amazingly fast looking, I don't even think at that point because we don't have a real understanding of what a car is or how we drive it we just want it to look fast, I mean that's the whole reason kids now have power wheels and even if you look back you could get this ride along modeled like the highest end Mercedes or BMW. It's a unrealistic dream for most of us. Yet I remember the first day I had my first car, a gleaming red 4runner, and how much I cherished this piece of metal, but I know with in the first so long of having it, I wanted a newer, faster, flashier car. I guess because of this consumer world that I've been raised in this is "normal" yet I just now want to settle but even when I believe that I'm on the verge of settling I always come back to the same points, and it's basically I have no clue how I can settle for such things, and though this seems contradictory, in the sense that I want to settle with things I have, as soon as my car breaks down I feel this whole point of gloom that I'm fed up with the car I have, and all I want to do at that moment is take it sell it, and find something else, which inevitably will have something wrong with it so while playing with my mind I come to the reason for this post.

My jeep broke down, and I'm frankly tired of it, but I guess because it's paid off it's the cheapest (??) car I can own so I might as well be happy with it and go on with life as if that is where I'm suppose to be. So I guess I'm not content but willing to be complacent.