Tuesday, July 8, 2008

the itsy bitsy spider

So for all of you who don't know oconee, ok the upstate is in a drought. Yesterday Clemson was put on a severe drought warning, I was like really Clemson I figured we'd be the last because of the campus but then again here we are in a severe drought. Yet tonight it's raining ohh what God given blessing rain it is. First I was like I'm going to dread this walk coming from my car to the building I'm staying in. Yet no how can I miss this. It's pretty amazing, I felt cool rain on my shoulders, it's been so long since I nice night rain has came, and it was so refreshing, I want music to be playing, I want to see an old silver airplane come up and me in my rain trench coat say something memerable, yet for tonight I'll settle for nothing more than, the itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout, down came the rain and washed that dang ole spider out.